Financial Specialist – Level 3
ReplyTo Full Name: Natalie Proctor Reply To Email:
In support of sound management and responsible spending, Our Client strives to ensure best value for money to ensure the financial sustainability of its programs and services. Our Client is seeking an independent study to determine whether the current management and funding model for the provision of general purpose office space requires improvements or replacement in order to support increased efficiencies and effectiveness. The study is to identify what model would best enhance Senior GC Officials’ awareness of accommodation costs, improve cost containment as well as support other GC objectives, which will be identified at the outset of the study. Any recommended changes to the current management and funding model must identify the resulting policy and/or legislative changes that would be required in order to implement the recommendations.
SecurityStatus: Must Hold Location: Ottawa
Posted By Full Name: Lianne White Posted Date: 130228638948730000
StartDate: (contract to start upon contract award) Closing Date: 130245552000000000