Ottawa Hospital Campaign
This year marks our 10th anniversary contributing to the Ottawa Hospital Foundation!
Our goal this year is to raise $14,650 to purchase a new DNA replicator. Cancer cells have genetic mutations that make them different from healthy cells. The next generation of cancer therapies will target these generic mutations, so treatments only kill cancer cells. The DNA replicator allows researchers to generate DNA, so they can develop these new targeted therapies. With the purchase of a DNA replicator, ITnet’s giving will exceed $200,000 over the last 10 years.
Though our fundraising continues throughout the year, we will be officially launching our campaign on February 11th. Our campaign will run for one week, with our closing ceremonies on February 18th . During this week there will be various fundraising efforts along with some pretty great prizes and auction items.
You can donate via pledge form 2015_ITnet_Pledge Form or directly online at
You Make a Difference… 10 Years of Giving!