ERP Functional Analyst Level 2 – SAP Security and Authorisation Consultant
ERP Functional Analyst Level 2 – SAP Security and Authorisation Consultant
ReplyTo Full Name: Vivienne Harris Reply To Email:
The duties of the ERP Functional Analyst Level 2 (SAP Security and Authorisation Consultant) include but are not limited to:
• Ensure departmental FIRMS (SAP) users are aware of, have input into, and sign off on the security and authorization business process deliverables.
• Translate SAP functional and business security requirements into technical requirements.
• Provide advice, analysis, configuration, problem resolution, and unit testing in regards to SAP Security and Authorizations related to the new company code.
• Design, configure and implement security roles using the SAP profile generator tool.
• Designing, configuring and implementing security roles using the SAP Enterprise role derivation tool. This tool is required for the integration of user menus and security roles in a multi-company code production environment.
• Design, configure and implement SAP screen customizations, specifically related to the integration of the overall security role design with the use of screen variants, transaction variants, variant transactions, table settings and screen layouts to support a multi-company code environment.
• Assess Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) and custom developments for compliance with the overall Security requirements.
• Execution of key security monitoring procedures including Segregation of Duties compliance and rule set.
• Participate in Departmental team meetings and IFMS Cluster Forum Meetings and provide necessary status updates
• Create and update technical configuration documents, and other user documentation as required
• Work with the functional team leads and the AANDC representatives to define security requirements for the new company code.
• Prepare Security related Blueprint documents relevant to the creation of a new company code.
• Prepare and update a detailed plan related to Security activities over the life cycle the of the company code project.
• Assist in the analysis, documentation and cutover of the security roles and assignment of roles to users pertaining to the new company code.
SecurityStatus: Must Hold Location: Ottawa
Posted By Full Name: Lianne White Posted Date: 130311678725000000
StartDate: (contract to start upon contract award) Closing Date: 130325940000000000
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